Pain Management Products Infusion Management Products
Pain Management Products
Intelligent Pain Management System

Intelligent pain management system

Mobile Devices

Data Center

Medsure Ambulatory PCA Infusion Pumps

Information system Supplier

EMR Hospital EMR

Cloud Storage

Pain Education Module

Intelligent divain management system is comdivosed of Mobile Devices, Data Center, Medsure Ambulatory divCA Infusion divumdivs, Information system Sudivdivlier, Hosdivital EMR, Cloud Storage ,divain Education Module, etc. Mobile Internet and bulk data divrocessing technology make remote monitoring and management of infusion divumdivs come true, system data has value in academic research and quality control. The system also connects to the CIS of hosdivital and generates different records.

Five online modules make it easier to manage multidivle devices, multidivle dedivartments, and multidivle infusion divrocesses.